This busy, commercial property is in a suburb, just south-east of Melbourne’s CBD.
We were contacted by one of our property management clients to investigate mould at the property. Upon consultation with the current occupants, it was established that the property was being used as a tropical aquarium and reptile shop.
Our technician attended and found excessive visible mould on most areas of the property, particularly the upstairs storerooms; four storerooms in total. Our state-of-art equipment was used to determine that the humidity from the downstairs tanks were the cause of the mould.
With the tropical fish tanks operating in the premises, the water heaters will maintain the tropical temperatures. The high temperature water will evaporate, causing higher humidity. This, along with periodically refilling the tanks, to maintain a certain level, provided an ideal environment for mould growth.

On the Job (equipment, process and job time):
Our office was given the authority to proceed with the remediation works, however, the client requested an after-hours appointment, due to the business hours of the store. The client also notified us that there was no power to the upstairs area. To complete the works after hours, Mould Cleaning Australia attended with the appropriate lighting equipment.
This property required three technicians, and a total of 16 hours, to complete the mould remediation. The technicians needed to do two rooms at a time and were able to attend on two separate occasions to limit disruption to the business.
In total, our technicians hand treated all areas where visible mould was present. This included multiple ceilings, walls, doors, cupboards, windows and sills, one landing, four storerooms, and a hallway and stairwell.
Our technicians ran air purification units during both attendances, to assist in the removal of airborne particles throughout the premises.
To complete the service, our team sent out notifications to the property occupants to notify of the completion and an email to the property manager with a comprehensive, illustrated job report outlining the works which had been completed.